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    School of Theology Application Portal

    We're excited about your application to the School of Theology. 

    Application Types & Deadlines

    Early Action:
    Application Deadline: December 1st
    For students who realize that Sewanee is the choice for them, there’s no better option than Early Action. With completed financial aid profiles, applicants will have first access to financial aid and placement in the first-come, first-served housing pool and receive their non-binding admission decision and financial aid package before the new year. Why wait?

    International Decision:
    Application Deadline: January 1st
    Studying at the School of Theology is a wonderful opportunity for international students to experience another part of the Anglican Communion. Making arrangements to spend one or two years out of the country can take time, so all international students for all degree programs must have complete applications submitted by January. 1.

    Regular Decision:
    Application Deadline: February 1st
    Students in the Regular Decision group will have access to financial aid and placement in the first-come, first-served housing pool. For students who think Sewanee would be a good fit, we suggest applying no later than this February 1 deadline.

    Final Decision
    Application Deadline: April 1st
    For students who need more time, or are maybe waiting on admission decisions from other schools, the Final Decision deadline is your last chance to apply for admission to the School of Theology. Final Decision applicants are fully eligible for financial aid and housing considerations and will receive their admission decisions by May 1.

    Returning users:

    Log in to continue an application.

    First-time users:

    Create an account to start a new application.