Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 12:00 PM until 1:00 PMCentral Standard Time UTC -06:00
Join us at noon on Thursday, February 6th, 2025 for a lecture by Paul Holloway, Ph.D. entitled "Paul's Anxious Letter to Rome." Paul wrote his now famous letter to Rome in Corinth in the wake of a sustained and brutal challenge to his continuing authority in the Corinthian assembly. This challenge was not based on a theological disagreement—as it would be in Galatia--but on the question of status: the Corinthians were Paul's social and cultural betters. Paul worried that he would face a similar and even more robust challenge in Rome, an anxiety that materially shaped what was to be his magnum opus.
Read more about Dr. Paul Holloway, University Professor of Classics and Ancient Christianity
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